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NewTom 7G is the most advanced CBCT device on the market. Front panel.NewTom 7G is the most advanced CBCT device on the market. Right view.
NewTom 7G
Sale price$0.00
NewTom 5G XL  Cone Beam CT. Motorised patient table.NewTom 5G XL Cone Beam CT side view.
NewTom 5G XL
Sale price$0.00
Orlvision USB Rhino Laryngoscope for both endoscopy and image capturing for ENT doctors.Orlvision USB Rhino Laryngoscope for both endoscopy and image capturing for ENT doctors.
The Video Rhino Laryngoscope by Orlvision has been designed for both endoscopy and image capturing for ENT doctors.The Video Rhino Laryngoscope by Orlvision has been designed for both endoscopy and image capturing for ENT doctors.
Orlvision Video Otoscope OX2 is optimised for the application areas of the auricle, of the external auditory canal and the eardrum.Orlvision Video Otoscope OX2 is optimised for the application areas of the auricle, of the external auditory canal and the eardrum.
Ecleris OM-100 Operating Microscope designed to cover a wide range of medical disciplines such as ENT, Plastic, Trauma, Neurological and Ophthalmology surgery. The Ecleris OM-100 Microscope can be wall or ceiling mounted with a mobile arm for greater movement.
Ecleris Rigid & Flexible Scopes3 Ecleris ENT telescopes
GLOBAL Microsurgeons Chair designed for use when working at a microscopeGLOBAL MicroSurgeon’s Chair with its practical armrests helps you to keep a steady hand.
The Ecleris LED Strobsocope is a convenient stroboscope system, light weight with a compact designThe Ecleris LED Strobsocope when combined with ENDODIGI (Video/Image Documentation) offers the best value for stroboscopy in the market today.
Ecleris LED Stroboscope
Sale price$0.00
Ecleris Endodigi Capturing SystemEcleris Endodigi Capturing System
The Ecleris Equipment Cart has been designed for constant use in clinics and hospitalsThe Ecleris Equipment Cart has been designed for constant use in clinics and hospitals
Ecleris Equipment Cart
Sale price$0.00
The Ecleris Procam High Definition medical camera produces exceptional endoscopic images in High Definition quality.The Ecleris Procam High Definition medical camera produces exceptional endoscopic images in High Definition quality.
Ecleris Procam HD
Sale price$0.00
The Everlux Pro LED Light SourceThe Everlux Pro LED Light Source
IC Lercher LED Light Source.  A high intensity USB powered LED light that can be used in conjunction with any endoscope system.
IC Lercher M-Cam HDIC Lercher M-Cam HD
IC Lercher M-Cam HD
Sale price$0.00
IC Lercher StroboLIGHT offers vocal folds in high resolution.IC Lercher StroboLIGHT offers vocal folds in high resolution.
IC Lercher StroboLIGHT
Sale price$0.00
Medicapture MVR Lite 4K is a premium quality, easy-to-use, 4K Ultra HD medical video recorder.Medicapture MVR Lite 4K is a premium quality, easy-to-use, 4K Ultra HD medical video recorder, back.
 MVR Pro HD is the first in a series of highly-advanced HD medical video recorders from MediCapture®.
Medicapture MVR Pro HD 4k
Sale price$0.00
Beacon Endoscopy & Surgical Monitors will ensure accurate image reproduction.Beacon Endoscopy & Surgical Monitors will ensure accurate image reproduction.
IC Lercher digiCAMIC Lercher digiCAM
IC Lercher digiCAM
Sale price$0.00


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